Open Programmable Infrastructure Event
We are pleased to announce the Alpha edition of the Open Programmable Infrastructure (OPI) event that will be held virtually on March 15th and March 16th, 2022 from 8am-1:30pm PST.
This is an exciting opportunity to share in the various community efforts underway to make infrastructure fully programmable across software and hardware devices such as IPUs, DPUs, or switches. The event schedule and speaker list is provided below.
OPI Event - Day 1
Time: Mar 15, 2022 08:00 AM Pacific Time
Meeting Link
OPI Event - Day 2
Time: Mar 16, 2022 08:00 AM Pacific Time
Meeting Link
Detailed Agenda
Day/Time | Speaker | Title | Abstract |
Tue Mar 15, 8:00am-8:15am PDT | Intel | Introduction | |
Tue Mar 15, 8:15am-9:00am PDT | Nicolas Viljoen, Meta | Keynote: AI Training Clusters: Challenges @ DC Scale | AI training is scaling rapidly both in model size & complexity. In this talk we will provide an insight into how this problem is solved today within Meta’s infrastructure as well as the upcoming challenges we see. Finally we will lay out some opportunities for HW/SW co-design & thoughts about how to enable OPI to tackle these problems. |
Tue Mar 15, 9:00am-9:30am PDT | Mark Sanders, Dell | DPU Open API – The need for a Common Interface Framework | DPUs are starting to become mainstream devices in Edge, Cloud, and Data Center environments and unlike the previous generation of accelerators and SmartNICs, DPUs present an opportunity to rethink the traditional deployment architectures. Multiple vendors are developing a variety of interfaces and frameworks that are highly platform dependent, resulting in the potential for complex and isolated deployments. Discover the need for a common interface framework for the DPU ecosystem and how a vendor agnostic approach, built on existing industry APIs and new API definitions, simplifies the creation of DPU based solutions. |
Tue Mar 15, 9:30am-10:00am PDT | Dan Daly, Intel | IPDK and its role in enabling Open Programmable Infrastructure | Infrastructure Programmer Development Kit (IPDK) is an open source, vendor agnostic framework of drivers and APIs for infrastructure offload and management that runs on a CPU, IPU, DPU or switch. IPDK’s role in a broader open eco-system is meant to be an open-source development effort for finding common APIs across devices and components within the infrastructure, as well as finding common control plane frameworks for orchestration. In this talk we’ll give an update as to where we are in this effort, where we are going and how we want to integrate the direction and governance of IPDK under the umbrella of Open Programmable Infrastructure. |
Tue Mar 15, 10:00am-10:30am PDT | Muli Ben-Yehuda, Lightbits | Data Access in an Open Programmable Infrastructure World | Data Access in an Open Programmable Infrastructure World |
Tue Mar 15, 10:45am-11:15am PDT | Debo Dutta, Nutanix | MLOps Meets Programmable Infrastructure | AI/ML driven insights can accelerate the digital transformation of the enterprise. MLOps manages the lifecycle of AI/ML at a higher level e.g., workflows for model training, serving, tuning etc. and is typically unaware of the infrastructure layers in a multi-cloud world. How can we consistently execute such workflows on programmable and accelerated infrastructure? In this talk, we show how MLOps workflows can be specified on top of Kubernetes and discuss performance optimization of the same. In addition, we discuss new directions in machine learning that could benefit from such programmable infrastructure. |
Tue Mar 15, 11:15am-11:45am PDT | Ian Wells, Cisco | How Programmable Infrastructure Can Enable Better Edge Computing | Edge Computing has become a hot topic recently. This talk will level set on what Edge Computing is, and then present a world where programmable infrastructure can make edge computing better. The talk will provide the programmable infrastructure community an opportunity to build software for this use case. |
Tue Mar 15, 11:45am-12:15pm PDT | Tim Michels, F5 | DPU Disruption of Today’s Infrastructure Paradigm | Explore with F5 the exciting potential for DPU technology to bring disruptive change to the infrastructure and topology of the data center, private cloud, or edge deployments of the future. Learn to define what a DPU is, how it can be used to separate infrastructure services from application workloads, and why this is so important. Hear the call to action to drive this technology into the future by creating an open community engaged in the definition of frameworks and APIs targeting vendor-agnostic interoperability. |
Tue Mar 15, 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT | Pere Monclus & Ben Pfaff, VMware | Programmability and Composability for an e2e Networking Evolution | In this talk, Pere and Ben will discuss the evolution of networking, programmability and technology, the needs of programmable infrastructure and how composable infrastructure and standard interfaces can support open ecosystems. |
Tue Mar 15, 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT | Kyle Mestery (Intel), Kris Murphy (Red Hat), Paul Pindell (F5) | Next Steps in Community Building/Evolution | We will talk about where OPI goes next in terms of it’s community governance. |
Wed Mar 16, 8:00am-8:45am PDT | Denis Kennelly and Vinent Hsu, IBM | Keynote | The perfect storm of infrastructure modernization is here. An organization needs to gain the immediate insights of the ever-growing data estates, protect its assets from cyberattack and enable developers to develop solutions more efficiently and globally. The traditional infrastructure can no longer satisfy the new requirements. We need a new intelligent infrastructure that is more elastic, more secure, and more efficient. Developers can now leverage DPU/IPU/SmartNic technology to modernize its infrastructure – compute, network and storage. In this session, IBM will present its vision of infrastructure evolution and the possible applications and services that can take advantage of this technology. |
Wed Mar 16, 8:45am-9:15am PDT | Tomas Fredberg, Ericsson | Telco needs of IPDK, Cloud, HW, and SW suppliers | Telco needs of IPDK, Cloud, HW, and SW suppliers |
Wed Mar 16, 9:15am-9:30am PDT | Tom Nadeau, Spirent | The Importance of Testing In Your Open Source Infrastructure Project | Join Tom as he discusses why testing is important in your Open Source project, and how it can better enable programmable infrastructure. |
Wed Mar 16, 9:30am-9:45am PDT | Ankur Sheth, Keysight | Programmable Test Infrastructure for Programmable Infrastructure | The networking industry has embraced disaggregation, shift-left and now programmable infrastructure to build & operate web scale networks. This talk covers how programmable test infrastructure can benefit eco-systems and communities that build and operate programmable infrastructure. |
Wed Mar 16, 9:45am-10:15am PDT | Kris Murphy and Billy McFall, Red Hat | The Importance of Hybrid Cloud Platforms for Open Programmable Infrastructure | Red Hat believes that DPUs/IPUs will help drive a change in IT infrastructure. These devices offer many potential benefits to our customers. However, adding additional devices with supplimental compute cycles and the ability to run an independent OS adds complexity to the management of IT infrastructure. In this session Red Hat will discuss how we can be a trusted technology partner that can offer powerful, scalable and fully-open software technologies to complement this new class of hardware. |
Wed Mar 16, 10:30am-11:15am PDT | BoF 1 moderated by: Nadav Haklai (Marvell), Liron Himi (Marvell) | BoF: Target Abstraction Composition | Community discussion on the industry challenges to support programmable target abstractions of increasingly complex hardware and software in an open way. Discuss the APIs, technologies and tools that are in scope to support this evolution. |
Wed Mar 16, 11:15am-12:00pm PDT | BoF 2 moderated by: Joel Moses, F5 | BoF: Application Abstraction Composition | Community discussion on the overall system architecture through the lens of cloud, enterprise and Telco applications, which require specific functions and acceleration services from the infrastructure. Discuss the set of applications that need to be in scope and brainstorm on collaboration models to align across the industry. |
Wed Mar 16, 12:15pm-1:00pm PDT | BoF 3 moderated by: Dell and Red Hat | BoF: Lifecycle/APIs/Provisioning Management across DPU/IPU/Switches | Community discussion on overall system and platform provisioning, manageability, and lifecycle related requirements, Open APIs and standards, which are necessary to support the consumption and adoption of programmable infrastructure at scale. |
Wed Mar 16, 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT | Kyle Mestery (Intel), Kris Murphy (Red Hat), Paul Pindell (F5) | Closing thoughts | Why are consistent frameworks and common APIs important for the end-users, the 3rd party vendors integrating with these devices, and ultimately for the vendors of these devices. We will touch on this topic and also have a call to action for the community to join with us in this endeavor. |