Enabling the Communication Channel

The Communication channel permits different compute complexes on the IPU to communicate with each other. This document explains how to enable communication between the ACC and the Host. This allows the P4Runtime client p4rt-ctl running on the Host to communicate with infrap4d running on the ACC.

Ports used for communication channels are defined by the node policy on IMC.

1 Modify the custom package config script on IMC

Modify the load_custom_pkg.sh script to specify comm_vports.

[root@ipu-imc /]# cd /work/scripts
[root@ipu-imc scripts]# cat load_custom_pkg.sh
echo "Checking for custom package..."
if [ -e p4_custom.pkg ]; then
    echo "Custom package p4_custom.pkg found. Overriding default package"
    cp  p4_custom.pkg /etc/dpcp/package/
    rm -rf /etc/dpcp/package/default_pkg.pkg
    ln -s /etc/dpcp/package/ p4_custom.pkg /etc/dpcp/package/default_pkg.pkg
    sed -i 's/sem_num_pages = 1;/sem_num_pages = 25;/g' $CP_INIT_CFG
    sed -i "s/comm_vports = ((\[5,0\],\[4,0\]))\;/comm_vports = ((\[5,0\],\[4,0\]),(\[0,3\],\[4,2\]))\;/g" $CP_INIT_CFG
    echo "No custom package found. Continuing with default package"
    sed -i "s/comm_vports = ((\[5,0\],\[4,0\]))\;/comm_vports = ((\[5,0\],\[4,0\]),(\[0,3\],\[4,2\]))\;/g" $CP_INIT_CFG


This will enable communication between IMC-ACC and Host-ACC.

2. Reboot the IMC

root@mev-imc:~# reboot

If IMC is rebooted successfully, ACC comes up with a statically assigned IP address to the eth0 network interface. You can access ACC from IMC over an SSH session using this IP address.

3. Load the IDPF driver on Host

modprobe idpf

4. Identify Communication Channel Netdev

4.1 List the interfaces

Log on to IMC using minicom IMC or ssh from the host over IP address and run cli_client.

root@mev-imc# ./usr/bin/cli_client -q -c



Is port a VF


Vport ID

is VF created

Is VF enabled

MAC Address

fn_id: 0x0

host_id: 0x0

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0x1

vport_id 0x0

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:01:00:00:03:14

fn_id: 0x0

host_id: 0x0

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0xb

vport_id 0x1

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:0b:00:01:03:14

fn_id: 0x0

host_id: 0x0

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0xc

vport_id 0x2

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:0c:00:02:03:14

fn_id: 0x0

host_id: 0x0

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0xd

vport_id 0x3

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:0d:00:03:03:14 → (Host, vport 3)

fn_id: 0x4

host_id: 0x4

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0x2

vport_id 0x0

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:00:00:00:03:18

fn_id: 0x4

host_id: 0x4

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0x8

vport_id 0x1

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:08:00:01:03:18

fn_id: 0x4

host_id: 0x4

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0x9

vport_id 0x2

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:09:00:02:03:18 → (ACC, vport 2)

fn_id: 0x4

host_id: 0x4

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0xa

vport_id 0x3

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:0a:00:03:03:18

fn_id: 0x5

host_id: 0x5

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0x3

vport_id 0x0

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:00:00:00:03:19

fn_id: 0x5

host_id: 0x5

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0x5

vport_id 0x1

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:05:00:01:03:19

fn_id: 0x5

host_id: 0x5

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0x6

vport_id 0x2

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:06:00:02:03:19

fn_id: 0x5

host_id: 0x5

is_vf: no

vsi_id: 0x7

vport_id 0x3

is_created: yes

is_enabled: yes

mac addr: 00:07:00:03:03:19

4.2 Find ACC vport MAC address

root@mev-imc:/usr/bin/# ./cli_client -q -c | awk '{if(($2 == 0x4) && ($4 == 0x4) && ($10 == 0x2)) {print $17}}'

This should provide ACC vport MAC address: eg: 00:09:00:02:03:18

4.3 Find Host vport MAC address

root@mev-imc:/usr/bin/# ./cli_client -q -c | awk '{if(($2 == 0x0) && ($4 == 0x0) && ($10 == 0x3)) {print $17}}'

This should provide Host vport MAC address: eg: 00:0d:00:03:03:14

If Host ports are not seen, reload the IDPF driver on host using

rmmod idpf
modprobe idpf

5. Configure IP addresses

Once the ports are identified, assign the IP addresses to these interfaces. Avoid IP collision when assigning IP addresses, 192.168.x.x network is assigned for IMC and ACC communication by default.


On Host, check if the IDPF driver is loaded using lsmod

lsmod | grep idpf
# ens801f0d3 is the port with MAC addr 00:0d:00:03:03:14
nmcli device set ens801f0d3 managed no
ip addr add dev ens801f0d3

On ACC, check if the IDPF driver is loaded using lsmod

lsmod | grep idpf
# enp0s1f0d2 is the port with MAC addr 00:09:00:02:03:18
nmcli device set enp0s1f0d2 managed no
ip addr add dev enp0s1f0d2

6. Check communication between ACC and Host

From ACC:


If node policy is correctly configured and the P4 package loaded has support for communication channel, ping should work.