Infrap4d Flags Reference

This section contains a list of the command-line flags that infrap4d accepts.

Common Flags

Flags from auth_policy_checker


Path to AuthorizationPolicy proto. Used only if --enable_authorization is true. type: string, default: “/mnt/region_config/switchstack/keys/authorization_policy.proto.txt”.


Whether to enable per service per RPC authorization checking. The default must be true. Set to false only for testing purposes. type: bool, default: false.


Time in ms used as the timeout for file event polling. type: int32, default: 100.


Path to MembershipInfo proto. Used only if --enable_authorization is true. type: string, default: “/mnt/region_config/switchstack/keys/membership_info.proto.txt”.

Flags from config_monitoring_service


The latest verified ChassisConfig proto pushed to the switch. This proto is Re-.generated based on the pushed YANG proto and includes the overall running config at any point of time. Default is empty and it is expected to be explicitly given by flags. type: string, default: “/usr/share/stratum/es2k/es2k_port_config.pb.txt” for ES2K, or “/usr/share/stratum/dpdk/dpdk_port_config.pb.txt” for DPDK.


Path to the file containing the gNMI capabilities proto. type: string, default: “/etc/stratum/gnmi_caps.pb.txt”.

Flags from credentials_manager


Path to CA certificate file. type: string, default: “/usr/share/stratum/certs/ca.crt”.


Path to gRPC client certificate file. type: string, default: “/usr/share/stratum/certs/client.crt”.


Client certificate request type. type: string, default: “no_request”.


Path to gRPC client key file. type: string, default: “/usr/share/stratum/certs/client.key”.


Path to gRPC server certificate file. type: string, default: “/usr/share/stratum/certs/stratum.crt”.


Path to gRPC server private key file. type: string, default: “/usr/share/stratum/certs/stratum.key”.

Flags from error_buffer


Max number of error statuses to track/save in the buffer. type: int32, default: 10.

Flags from gflags


Load flags from file. type: string, default: “”.


Set flags from the environment [use ‘export FLAGS_flag1=value’]. type: string, default: “”.


Set flags from the environment if present. type: string, default: “”.


Comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify on the command line even if the program does not define a flag with that name. IMPORTANT: flags in this list that have arguments MUST use the flag=value format. type: string, default: “”.

Flags from gflags_completions


Number of columns to use in output for tab completion. type: int32, default: 80.


If non-empty, HandleCommandLineCompletions() will hijack the process and attempt to do bash-style command line flag completion on this value. type: string, default: “”.

Flags from gflags_reporting


Show help on all flags [tip: all flags can have two dashes]. type: bool, default: false.


Show help on all flags – same as -help. type: bool, default: false.


Show help on modules whose name contains the specified substr. type: string, default: “”.


Show help on the modules named by this flag value. type: string, default: “”.


Show help on all modules in the main package. type: bool, default: false.


Show help on only the main module for this program. type: bool, default: false.


Produce an xml version of help. type: bool, default: false.


Show version and build info and exit. type: bool, default: false.

Flags from logging


Log messages go to these email addresses in addition to logfiles. type: string, default: “”.


Log messages go to stderr in addition to logfiles. type: bool, default: false.


Color messages logged to stderr If supported by terminal. type: bool, default: false.


Color messages logged to stdout If supported by terminal. type: bool, default: false.


Drop in-memory buffers of log contents. Logs can grow very quickly and they are rarely read before they need to be evicted from memory. Instead, drop them from memory as soon as they are flushed to disk. type: bool, default: true.


Emit a backtrace when logging at file:linenum. type: string, default: “”.


If specified, logfiles are written into this directory instead of the default logging directory. type: string, default: “/var/log/stratum/”.


Put additional links to the log files in this directory. type: string, default: “”.


Prepend the log prefix to the start of each log line. type: bool, default: true.


Use UTC time for logging. type: bool, default: false.


Include the year in the log prefix. type: bool, default: true.


Buffer log messages logged at this level or lower (-1 means don’t buffer; 0 means buffer INFO only; … type: int32, default: 0.


Buffer log messages for at most this many seconds. type: int32, default: 30.


Clean overdue logs every this many seconds. type: int32, default: 300.


Email log messages logged at this level or higher (0 means email all; 3 means email FATAL only; … type: int32, default: 999.


Log file mode/permissions. type: int32, default: 436.


Mailer used to send logging email. type: string, default: “”.


Log messages go to stderr instead of logfiles. type: bool, default: false.


Log messages go to stdout instead of logfiles. type: bool, default: false.


Log messages also go to syslog. type: bool, default: false.


Approx. maximum log file size In MB. A value of 0 will be silently overridden to 1. type: uint32, default: 1800.


Messages logged at a lower level than this don’t actually get logged anywhere. type: int32, default: 0.


Log messages at or above this level are copied to stderr in addition to logfiles. This flag obsoletes --alsologtostderr. type: int32, default: 2.


Stop attempting to log to disk if the disk is full. type: bool, default: false.


Put a timestamp at the end of the log file name. type: bool, default: true.

Flags from infrap4d_main


Run infrap4d in detached mode. type: bool, default: true.


Run infrap4d without krnlmon support. type: bool, default: false.

Flags from status_macros


If set, all errors generated will log a stack trace. type: bool, default: false.

Flags from p4_info_manager


When true, the check for minimum required P4 objects is not enforced. type: bool, default: false.

Flags from p4_service


The latest set of verified ForwardingPipelineConfig protos pushed to the switch. This file is updated whenever ForwardingPipelineConfig proto for switching node is added or modified. type: string, default: “/etc/stratum/pipeline_cfg.pb.txt”.


Max number of active/inactive streaming connections from outside controllers For all of the nodes combined.. type: int32, default: 20.


Max number of controllers that can manage a node. type: int32, default: 5.


The log file for all the individual read request and the corresponding result. The format for each line is: <timestamp>;<node_id>;<request proto>;<status>. type: string, default: “/var/log/stratum/p4_reads.pb.txt”.


The log file for all the individual write request updates and the corresponding result. The format for each line is: <timestamp>;<node_id>;<update proto>;<status>. type: string, default: “/var/log/stratum/p4_writes.pb.txt”.

Flags from tdi_hal_flags


Comma-separated list of URLs for server to listen to for external calls from SDN controller, etc. type: string, default: “,”.


Grpc keep-alive minimum ping interval. type: int32, default: 10000.


Grpc keep-alive permit. type: int32, default: 1.


Grpc keep-alive time. type: int32, default: 600000.


Grpc keep-alive timeout period. type: int32, default: 20000.


Grpc server max receive message size (0 = gRPC default.. type: uint32, default: 268435456.


Grpc server max send message size (0 = gRPC default.. type: uint32, default: 0.


Open grpc server ports in insecure mode for gNMI, gNOI, and P4RT. type: bool, default: false.


URL for listening to local calls from stratum stub. type: string, default: “localhost:9559”.


The persistent dir where all the config files will be stored. type: string, default: “/etc/stratum/”.


Determines whether HAL is in warmboot stage. type: bool, default: false.

Flags from tdi_sde_flags


Enables the legacy padded byte string format in P4Runtime responses for Stratum-tdi. The strings are left unchanged from the underlying SDE. type: bool, default: true.

Flags from tdi_sde_wrapper


The dir used by the SDE to load the device configuration. type: string, default: “/var/run/stratum/tdi_config”.

Flags from tdi_table_manager


The timeout for table sync operation like counters and registers. type: uint32, default: 1000.

Flags from utilities


Symbolize the stack trace in the tombstone. type: bool, default: true.

Flags from vlog_is_on


Show all VLOG messages for m <= this. Overridable by –vmodule. type: int32, default: 0.


Per-module verbose level. Argument is a comma-separated list of <module name>=<log level>. <module name> is a glob pattern, matched against the filename base That is, name ignoring .cc/.h./-inl.h. <log level> overrides any value given by –v. type: string, default: “”.

DPDK Flags

Flags from dpdk_main


Path to the infrap4d json config file. type: string, default: “/usr/share/stratum/dpdk/dpdk_skip_p4.conf”.


Absolute path to the directory where the SDE is installed. type: string, default: “/usr”.

ES2K Flags

Flags from es2k_main


Path to the infrap4d json config file. type: string, default: “/usr/share/stratum/es2k/es2k_skip_p4.conf”.


Absolute path to the directory where the SDE is installed. type: string, default: “/usr”.

Flags from es2k_node


Use persistent TDI session to write forwarding entries. type: bool, default: false.