Using TLS Certificates

This document provides information about generating and installing TLS certificates for running k8s-infra-offload recipe.

Generating certificates

The system relies on mTLS (mutual TLS) for authentication.

IPs of the servers using TLS, should be here. If in host mode, localhost is used so works. But if in split mode, ensure that the IP is present here. in the list in the config scripts/tls/openssl.cnf

DNS.1 = *
DNS.2 = k8s
DNS.3 = kubernetes.default
IP.1  =
IP.2  = # Inframanager server IP here for example

This config file is used to generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) files for each

  1. Infraagent(client)

  2. Inframanager(server)

  3. Inframanager(client)

  4. Infrap4d

Run the below from base directory.

make gen-certs

The files will be generated under

$BASE_DIR/tls/certs/infraagent/client   #Infraagent(client)
$BASE_DIR/tls/certs/inframanager/server #Inframanager(server)
$BASE_DIR/tls/certs/inframanager/client #Inframanager(client)
$BASE_DIR/tls/certs/infrap4d #infrap4d

Installing certificates

infrap4d will check for server certificates in the default location /usr/share/stratum/certs/.

inframanager and infraagent will be expecting certificates in the location /etc/pki/inframanager/certs and /etc/pki/infraagent/certs respectively.

For more information regarding default and non-default path, refer to inframanager-config-file section